Wednesday May 01, 2024

15. How to Release & Let Go, to Grow w/ the Authentic, Unapologetic, Dr. Lisa Campbell®

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Dr. Lisa L. Campbell® is a keynote speaker, healthcare consultant, and growth coach with over three decades of healthcare and leadership experience. Known as “The Growth Motivator™," Dr. Campbell inspires and empowers individuals and organizations to achieve personal and professional growth by helping them “Shed the Weight™” holding them hostage. Weight is defined as “The Things” that prevent us from moving forward and holding us back from reaching our full potential. Since 2003, she has delivered engaging and informative presentations and educational sessions to diverse audiences, nationally and internationally, showcasing her 32 years of expertise in health information management, coding and documentation integrity, and practice management. The author of Grow With Me, Dr. Campbell, believes in transformative experiences.

*Don't forget to grab the companion journal along with her book, Grow with Me*



  • What pivotal moment influenced her growth and inspired her to take action?
  • How do you grow personally AND professionally?

Melissa shares that she feels like Dr. Lisa knows her heart and is curious to know what Dr. Lisa means when she says 'Go Big or Go Home' 

What has this model allowed Dr. Lisa to experience?


"Don't sell yourself short on celebrating life!" - Dr. Lisa Campbell


How do you discern whether to splurge or maybe take a step back and do things differently? 


Growth doesn't happen when we're safe; become comfortable being uncomfortable.

Dr. Lisa shares that she's done to get out of her comfort zone and be uncomfortable.

How do you choose your Health or your Wealth? Spoiler alert: They're intertwined


What role has Faith played in her growth journey? 

*Check out Chapter 12 of Dr. Lisa's book, Grow with Me*


How do you balance personal and professional growth? 1 keyword: B______________!

* What might you be giving up in the process?


Dr. Lisa is living a leapfrog legacy! What can we learn from the generations before us and those that have passed on behind us?


What is the Preferment Stage? A transition and shift to align with your purpose

* Unapologetically NO! 


She's on a mission to interview 52 Authors in 52 weeks- think you might be a good fit? Join Dr. Lisa's Community below:



YouTube: Dr. Lisa L Campbell the Growth Motivator™

Podcast name: The Growth Motivator
















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