Wednesday May 15, 2024

17. Spotlighting Our 1st Male Guest Star, Gerren Sprauve; From Janitor to Several Seven Figure Businesses; Reduce the Noise

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Gerren Sprauve founded Clean Slate Janitorial Service almost 2 decades ago as a direct result of an experience he had with a waiter where he told him, "You didn't just clean the table, you created a place for my wife and I to have dinner, so thank you."

The waiter lit up, smiled and ran to another table with a sense of purpose! That response lit something within Gerren that made him say, "I want to do that again."

With that being his guiding light, Gerren has built several 7 figure businesses both in the US and in the Caribbean where he's from. "I just enjoy creating safe environments where the words, "thank you" are exchanged often," he says.

Gerren sees the unseen. He breathes life into everyone he meets. And that...makes every day...powerful!


How did he go from quitting his 9-5 to being a janitor and being a several seven figure business owner?

Learning systems and be disciplined--find something to do!

Gerren attends the 4am club

What's his morning routine?

How did he begin to identify his core values? Show up. Help Out. Get Better. Have Fun.

Personal Formula ^ write those down.

How he built his businesses? The secret is in those 4 core values

Blue Collar Mind Coach Program-He helps people find small wins and document those things and apply that to the business problem. Then implement and take on more!

What are your core values?

Eliminate the noise --to BE. We are built to do extraordinary things!

"People who are rich are bad"-this is a stigma. Gerren has them focus on their purpose . The money flows as a result of living their purpose.

Gerren receives a special gift from his mentor *huge opportunity

Why is your business called a sandbox? Sometimes we just need to play! Shifted how he looks at problems and continue to move forward.

What's the BEST that could happen?

Doctors told his parents to prepare for his end of life. Gerren was paralyzed. Wheelchair bound and wanting to play, but didn't know how to say that. Lead to more understanding of the human connection.

When we know we're living in our purpose, it's a beautiful gift.

Continue doing you!

Connect with Gerren:

Podcast Name: The Clean Slate Experience
Social Media Links: Gerren Sprauve (all platforms)

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