Wednesday Jun 05, 2024

20. Going Through Menopause? Here's What You Should Know! w/ Guest Star Dr. Gaynel Nave

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Dr. Gaynel Nave is the visionary force behind FullJoy Wellness, guiding BIPOC, third culture, and neurodivergent women leaders from suffering to thriving. With expertise in intergenerational trauma and psychoneuroendocrinology, she illuminates the path to holistic well-being, especially centered on menopause. Dr. Nave offers transformative immersive experiences, drawing on her Jamaican heritage and extensive trauma-informed care training. As a licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor, Dr. Nave delivers personalized care, integrating modern and traditional methods. At FullJoy Wellness, Dr. Nave's dedication extends beyond clinical excellence to empowerment and celebration.

Black, Indigenous, and People of Color=BIPOC


Dr. Gaynel Nave uses a holistic approach and a collaborative system to encourage thinking outside the norm. 

How are you feeling? What symptoms arise? How do they show up in your relationships? Are you able to communicate that clearly to your health care provider?

Positive Outcome example with Dr. Nave: A client had perimenopause symptoms, anxiety, and feeling overall blah. Experiencing restless leg syndrome for a decade, but it didn't go away. She expected that this condition would persist. together, Dr. Nave and client came up with a solution and not only did her symptoms decrease, they completely dissolved! It just so happened that the client's primary care provider missed some of her symptoms she had been sharing over the past two years. Since being referred to another PCP by Dr. Nave, they did a neurological exam, diagnosed with a brain tumor and completely resolved all of symptoms in 6 months.


Pain is an alarm system! Pay attention to that. Ignoring it does not serve us well.


If we're not investing in ourselves as we age, what kind of costs are we susceptible to during perimenopause and menopause?

What about continuous birth control?

If you can, ask your mom, aunt, sister about their experience with perimenopause/menopause symptoms and journey.

There are a lot of organs that are related to our blood sugar. What should you avoid or reduce in order to prevent "sticky" blood and potential blood clots?

"You can eat a loaf of bread and not feel full. You can not eat a full stick of butter."

Fat satiates you and sustains your energy. Lots of fruits, veggies, and healthy fats are essential!

Healthy food hacks with Dr. Nave. Tune into how you feel when you're eating. How do you feel after you've eaten? Mindfulness is key to wellbeing.

Learn how she helps her clients deal with money mindset blocks in making the investment in their health. For example, choosing organic vs. non-organic or frozen vs. canned

"Relief in the moment, does not create the life that I want" - client quote

You get to choose whether or not this is a cost you want to continue to pay.


What are some unrecognized symptoms of menopause?

*Brain fog


Movement, water, you're like a plant! The solution comes down to nourishment, movement, and listening to our bodies. It is the foundation of our health.

How are we responding to stress? How are we treating ourselves?


GET RID OF PLASTIC as much as possible!


Get connected with Dr. Gaynel Nave:

Freebie (Menopause Checklist):



IG: @drgaynelnave
FullJoy Wellness IG: @fulljoywellness
FullJoy Wellness FB: @fulljoywellness

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